Tower Hamlets Independent SEND Parents Forum

Tower Hamlets Independent SEND Parents Forum

Connecting with the Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum

Parenting can be challenging, and parenting a child with special needs can be especially so. That is why you need all the support you can get. Here at Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum, we are committed to providing that support. Our aim is to empower parents of children with special needs and disabilities by providing them with the information, advice, and resources they need to make informed decisions about their child’s education, health, and wellbeing.

If you are a parent or caregiver of a child with special needs or disabilities in Tower Hamlets, we encourage you to connect with us. We are a community of parents who understand the unique challenges that come with raising a child with special needs. We are here to offer support, guidance, and a listening ear.

What is the Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum?

The Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum is an independent group of parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Our main objective is to work with local authorities, schools, and other agencies to improve services and outcomes for our children and young people.

We provide information, support, and opportunities for parents and carers to participate in the planning and delivery of local services. We work closely with local authorities to ensure that the voices of parents and carers are heard, and that their views and experiences are taken into account when decisions are made about services and provision for children and young people with SEND.

How can the Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum help you?

As a parent or carer of a child with special needs or disabilities, you may feel isolated, overwhelmed, or unsure about where to turn for help and support. The Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum can help by:

  • Providing information and advice about local services and support.
  • Offering a listening ear and emotional support.
  • Providing opportunities to connect with other parents and carers of children with SEND.
  • Advocating for your child and representing your views and experiences to local authorities and service providers.

We also organise regular events, workshops, and training sessions on topics relevant to parents and carers of children with SEND. These events provide an opportunity to learn new skills, share experiences, and connect with other parents and carers.

Get in touch with the Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum today

There are many ways to connect with the Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum. You can:

  • Visit our website to find out more about our organisation and the services we offer.
  • Join our mailing list to stay updated on our latest events, news, and resources.
  • Follow us on social media to connect with other parents and carers of children with SEND.
  • Contact us directly by email or phone to speak with one of our team members.

Remember, you are not alone. The Tower Hamlets SEND Independent Parent Forum is here to support you on your parenting journey. We look forward to connecting with you soon.

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